Surname Variant Family Records

Indented Pedigree

This records page is dedicated to those families who used the Rowden surname at some point but who appear to have started with a more distant spelling or variant of the surname. See the variants page for more.

An indented pedigree format displays the family descendants with each successive generation indented to the right. For more information see the main family records page.

As with the main records page every attempt is made to update it on a regular basis. If you find your family amongst the charts and can provide more details (or corrections), please let me know either through the message board or e-mail ...

County of Lincolnshire

Place Sept Coverage

28 March 2024
33 In the nineteenth century this family surname was spelt Rawden. Part of the family moved from Norfolk to Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire in the 1880s and started using the Rowden spelling from the early 1900s. It is not clear how many of the family are now Rowden or retain the original spelling Rawden.

County of Shropshire

Place Sept Coverage

28 March 2024
32 Thomas Roden was born in Shropshire the 1860s. As a coal hewer he moved to Welsh valleys for work and there raised a family of 9 children all of whom were registered with the surname Rowden.

County of Staffordshire

Place Sept Coverage

28 March 2024
34 John Roden's mother, Susannah Roden was born in Gornal Wood, Dudley, although John himself was born in Herefordshire in 1874. It was here that he also married but under the name Rowden and his nine children were all given the same surname which has perpetuated.

County of Herefordshire

Place Sept Coverage

28 March 2024
37 John Roden was born in Ledbury, Herefordshire as, it seems, were his ancestors. His son William was registered with a Roaden surname at birth, Rouden in a census and then Rowden when he married. Rowden seems to have been used by the family since then.


Place Sept Coverage

28 March 2024
39 This family adopted the Rowden surname after forming it from a variant spelling of a middle name, Rourden. Gerard Walter Courtenay Rowden was born Wilfrid Walter Wallace Wotton in 1880. He was also know as Wilfrid Rourden Leigh and even Walter Courtenay Rowden but seems to have used the Rowden surname consistently after his second marriage in 1922.